Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Olympians Drive By

Friday was an exciting morning for everyone.  We were all looking forward to seeing our favourite Olympians.  The children were keen to see Sarah Walker (and Usain Bolt.)  The whole school lined up along the street eager to catch a glimpse of the New Zealand Olympic medal winners. It was a quick drive by, but everyone seemed to be happy to shout and wave at the buses as they drove past.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Classroom Olympics

The children had a fun day competing in a variety of Olympic disciplines, adapted for the classroom. They took part in the paper plate discus, straw javelin, the cotton ball shot put and the side step to name a few. The class competed for medals in some of the activities.
Teams competed against each other in the longest stride.  Boys
 and girls competed against each other.

The discus was hotly contested.

The teddy bear weights required teams to work together to get
 the fastest times.

One of the hardest activities was the bean bag
throw.  There had been plenty of practice for
this medal.